Updating NovaStar 4
What is new in NovaStar 5 for NovaStar 4X Users?
NovaStar 5 is a completely new application rather than an upgraded or a revised NovaStar 4X. While previous NovaStar applications ran under the QNX operating system, NovaStar 5 was developed for Linux operating system and uses open source PostgreSQL database. However, users familiar with NovaStar 4X will find many familiar features in NovaStar 5. Differences include:
NovaStar 5 provides a program that is map-based and accessible from any computer with internet access.
Stations are located on the map using their geo-reference of latitude and longitude rather than a coordinate mapping reference.
In NovaStar 4X, it was not necessary to define stations. Only sensor definitions were needed to store sensor data reports in the database. NovaStar 5 has a hierarchical structure of stations and points. A station has a physical location and reports sensor readings in data reports. The data reports may contain data readings for one or more sensors. Each sensor reading is stored as a separate point in the database.
In NovaStar 4X, raw data reports were stored in the database. Scaled data was computed when the database was queried by a report display program. NovaStar 5 computes and stores the scaled data so it can be pulled directly from the database.
In NovaStar 4X, rating table computation of streamflow was done when the database was queried by a report display program. NovaStar 5 computes streamflow when a data report is filed and stores the streamflow data in a separate table so it can be pulled directly from the database.
In NovaStar 4X, digital status readings were stored in one data report. The line number was used to pull the desired status bit from the data report value. NovaStar5 automatically extracts the digital status bit value and assigns the value to a point.
In NovaStar 4X, ALERT wind run and direction readings were stored in one data report. When the database was queried by a report display program, wind run was separated from direction and wind speed computed. NovaStar 5 automatically extracts the wind run and direction, computes wind speed and stores wind speed and direction in separate points.
In NovaStar 4X, real-time equations were executed when the database was queried by a report display program. A real-time equation computes a new data value from one or more sensor data reports. For example, dewpoint temperature could be computed from air temperature and relative humidity. NovaStar 5 automatically computes the equation data when the data reports are received and stores the computed data report in a separate point in the database.
Alarm Groups are built around points in NovaStar 5. Groups were optional in 4X, but they are mandatory in NovaStar 5. A group can contain one or more points. Setting up alarms for many points with similar alarm criteria are expedited by forming a group.
For data validation procedures comparing the change in value between a new data report and previous data reports, NovaStar 5 compares calibrated data reports and the Change value should therefore also be entered using calibrated units. In NovaStar 4X, change values used raw value units.