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Data Edit

Data Edit

Click on the Data menu to display the Data Edit page. The Data Edit page allows operators of the system to view and edit point data reports in the database.

Data Edit Select

Data Edit Select (see also the full-size image)

Data Edit Point and Time Period Selection

Select the point and time period to edit.

Data Label                             Description
Point Select point to poll from the pick list.

Click button to change Point Pick Details and order, see the Point Pick Details section.
View button displays the Point Edit page for the selected point, see the Point Edit section.
Starting Time Select the starting time for the data edit time period. Click Reset Time to set time to start of day for ending time. Note: the starting time must be before the ending time.
Ending Time Select the ending time for the data edit time period. Select Current to set the ending time to the current time.

The data edit page is best used with a restricted time period. If more data is requested than is needed, too much page scrolling will be required to put the data of interest in view. Long delays may occur as the browser has to manage the underlying data edit controls.

A long data period request may be needed to find the data reports of concern. After the data reports are found, make a shorter data period request to keep the information on page to a minimum for best results.

Data Edit Data List

The Data List shows details for the point's data reports for the select time period. Clicking on any of the column heading buttons will reorder the data reports in the Data List, numerically or alphabetically, by that detail. This allows quickly reorganizing the Data List to reorder from newest to oldest or find the smallest or greatest numerical value in a column. The appearance of the Data List can be customized using the Choose details... button to access the Data Edit List Details page, see the Data Edit Data List Details section.

Click on the Edit button for any data report in the Data List table to view or edit the all details of the data report, see the Data Edit Data List Edit section.

Data report details can be changed directly in the data list. Click on the table cell to convert the display field to an edit field. Modify the text in text fields or select from a pick list in the list fields. Press tab to move to the right in the table; Shift-tab to move left. Click on another cell or on the page background to close the edit field. Any changes made to the cell are copied to the edit panel if opened and are marked with a green background. Note that changes are not saved to the database until the Apply or OK button is clicked.

Data Edit List

Data Edit Data List (see also the full-size image)

Data Label                             Description
Get data Click this button to display the data reports for the time period from the starting time to the ending time.
Starting Time Select the number of digits to display to the right of the decimal point. This selection overrides the default raw digits assigned to the point's point type. Use the default selection to use the point type number of raw decimal digits.
Ending Time Select the number of digits to display to the right of the decimal point. This selection overrides the default scaled digits assigned to the point's point type. Use the default selection to use the point type number of scaled decimal digits.
Changes verified Select true to insert the verified (E) flag in any data report modified, see data flags in the edit section below.

Changes made on the data edit page are highlighted in green. These changes are not saved in the database until the Apply or OK buttons are clicked. Click Apply to save changes and stay on the data edit page. Click OK to save changes and return to the calling page. Click Back to return to the calling page without saving changes; a warning will be displayed if changes will be lost - click Cancel to stay on the data edit page or OK to continue and lose the changes.

Data Edit Data List Details

The check boxes on Data Edit List Details page control the items, organization, sort order, and limit the records displayed on the associated List page.

Data Edit Data List Details

Data Edit List Details (see also the full-size image)

Select the details to display

  • Check the box to the left of a detail to display. Details are displayed in the order shown.
  • Check the Order by box for the detail to sort first. Check Reverse for a descending sort.
  • Check the Then by box for the detail to sort second. Check Reverse for a descending sort.
  • Check the second Then by box for the detail to sort third. Check Reverse for a descending sort.
Button Action
Move Up Move the selected detail up one row.
Move Down Move the selected detail down one row.
Select All Select all details.
Reset Reset to default details.
OK Return to previous page with new details selected.
Cancel Return to previous page with no changes.

Data Edit Data List Edit

Click on the Edit button for any data report in the Data List table to open the edit panel. The edit panel shows all the data report fields regardless of the details shown in the list. Changes made in the edit panel will be applied to the row selected when the Edit button was clicked and any other row that has the Select button grayed. Select or de-select additional rows by clicking the Select, Select all or Clear all buttons.

Data Edit Panel

Data Edit Panel (see also the full-size image)

Button Action
Clear all Clear selection of all rows in this table.
Select all Select all rows in this table.
Add Opens the edit panel where parameters for a new record can be entered.
Edit Open the edit panel for this record.
Select Select row for applied changes from the edit panel; first select, then clear select.
Delete Mark selected rows for deletion; first select, then clear select.
Move up Move the selected rows up one row.
Move down Move the selected rows down one row.
Apply Assign changed field values to this and all other selected rows in the table. Changed fields are highlighted with a blue-green background while unchanged fields have a white background.
Close Close the edit panel without saving changes; a warning will be displayed if changes will be lost by this action.
Data Label Description
Time Enter the time of the data report using the format shown in gray under the field. Click the button to reset to the current time. The data report time must be unique for the point. It is not possible to store more than one data report in the database for a point with the same time. The time must differ by at least one second. If a duplicate time is entered, the field will be highlighted in yellow and a error message display warning that the Time must be unique!

Data Edit Panel Time Error

Data Edit Panel Time Error (see also the full-size image)

Scaled Value Enter the scaled value for the data report. The scaled value is computed from the raw value using the assigned calibration record when the raw value is received and filed by the data collection software.

Click the button to compute the scaled value from raw value (recalibrate) using the selected calibration record. If the recalibration is applied to multiple rows, the scaled value for each row is computed from the raw value of that row using the calibration record assigned to that row.
Raw Value Enter the scaled value for the data report. The scaled value is computed from the raw value using the assigned calibration record when the raw value is received and filed by the data collection software.

Click the button to compute the scaled value from raw value (recalibrate) using the selected calibration record. If the recalibration is applied to multiple rows, the scaled value for each row is computed from the raw value of that row using the calibration record assigned to that row.
Flags Standard flags assembled from check boxes; field cannot be directly modified.
Valid Data report has been validated by data checking parameters.
Questioned Data report has been questioned by data checking parameters.
Alarmed Data report has met alarm criteria for an alarm trigger.
Break Data report set as the start of a new continuous record by data checking parameters.
Maintenance Data report flagged as a maintenance report by an operator.
Verified Data report verified by an operator and cannot be changed by revalidation.
Other Non-standard flags such as data collection source.
The rating, flags, and assign fields only appear if the point has rating tables assigned. The data editor cannot be used to assign ratings, see the Rating Assign List section. Each point can have up to 5 ratings assigned. The edit field documented below are repeated for each rating assignment starting at 1.
Rating1 Select rating assignment from pick list. Click button to change Data Edit Rating Assign Pick Details and order, see the Rating Assign Pick Details section. The rating assignment is used to compute the rating value from scaled data value.
Value Rating value computed by rating table assignment 1.
Click the button to recompute the rating value from the scaled value using the assigned rating table. If the rating recomputation is applied to multiple rows, the rating value for each row is computed from the scaled value of that row using the rating table assigned to that row.
Flags Rating flags assembled from check boxes; field cannot be directly modified
Valid Rating computation is within the lower and upper limits for the assigned table.
Over Rating index or computation exceeded upper limit for the assigned table.
Under Rating index or computation fall below upper limit for the assigned table.
Nova Score Select nova score from pick list. Click button to change Nova Score Pick Details and order, see the Nova Score Pick Details section. The nova score value is set by alarm triggers assigned to the point. Nova score 1 is assigned by default. The nova score values are used tohighlight point data values in maps, plots and reports.
Calibration Select calibration from pick list. Click button to change Data Edit Calibration Pick Details and order, see the Calibration Pick Details section. The calibration is used to compute the scaled data value from raw data value. Click Show all to show all calibrations assigned to the point in the pick list. By default, only the calibration records effective for the selected time period are shown. Click Show period to restore the calibration pick list to the selected time period.

Data Edit Calibration List Edit

Click Edit to change the calibration pick list to the calibration list table. Clicking on any of the column heading buttons will reorder the calibration records in the Calibration List, numerically or alphabetically, by that detail. Click on the Calibration list: button to change the details displayed, see the Calibration Pick Details section. Click Show all to show all calibrations assigned to the point in the calibration list. By default, only the calibration records effective for the selected time period are shown. Click Show period to restore the calibration list to the selected time period.

Data Edit Calibration List

Data Edit Calibration List (see also the full-size image)

Button Action
Clear all Clear selection of all rows in this table.
Select all Select all rows in this table.
Add Opens the edit panel where parameters for a new record can be entered.
Edit Open the edit panel for this record.
Select Select row for applied changes from the edit panel; first select, then clear select.
Delete Mark selected rows for deletion; first select, then clear select.
Move up Move the selected rows up one row.
Move down Move the selected rows down one row.
Apply Assign changed field values to this and all other selected rows in the table. Changed fields are highlighted with a blue-green background while unchanged fields have a white background.
Close Close the edit panel without saving changes; a warning will be displayed if changes will be lost by this action.

Click on the Edit button for any calibration record in the Calibration List table to open the edit panel. The edit panel shows all the calibration record fields regardless of the details shown in the list. Changes made in the edit panel will be applied to the row selected when the Edit button was clicked and any other row that has the Select button grayed. Select or de-select additional rows by clicking the Select, Select all or Clear all buttons.

Click the Add button to add a new calibration record to the point; the edit panel is opened with default fields. It is easier to copy an existing calibration record, rather than adding a new record. Click the Edit button to open the edit panel, click Copy get a new record. With both the Add and Copy operations, a unique time will need to be entered for the calibration record. Click Apply to save changes.

Data Edit Calibration Edit

Data Edit Calibration Edit (see also the full-size image)

Data Label Description
Time Enter the time of the calibration record using the format shown in gray under the field. Click the button to reset to the current time. The calibration record time must be unique for the point. It is not possible to store more than one calibration record in the database for a point with the same time. The time must differ by at least one second. If a duplicate time is entered, the field will be highlighted in yellow and a error message display warning that the Time must be unique!

Data Edit Panel Time Error2

Data Edit Panel Time Error (see also the full-size image)

An empty time field will also generate an error. The error must be corrected before thel changes can be applied.
Multiplier Multiply raw data by this value to compute scaled data.
Adder Add raw data by this value to compute scaled data.
Base value Add this base value to raw data to compute scaled data. Click the Baseset button to compute the Base value from the scaled and raw values. He computation is:
Base value = Scaled value - (Raw value * Multiplier + Adder).

If a calibration record has been added then it must be assigned to the data report. Click the Close button to change the calibration list table to the calibration pick list. Select the added calibration in the pick list. Click the Scaled Value: button to recalibrate the data report scaled value from the raw value using the newly assigned calibration record.

If multiple data report rows need to be assigned to the new calibration record, click the Select button for these rows, then click Apply to assign the calibration record and recalibrate the scaled value.

New calibrations and data report recalibrations are not permanently saved in the database until the Apply or OK buttons are clicked at the top or bottom of the Data Edit page.

Data Edit Data List Drift

The Data Edit page can be use to assign interpolated scaled data value changes to reports. This may be necessary to adjust data values for a drift in the sensor readings over time. An observed reading must be know at the start and end of the drift period.

  1. Start by selecting the point and data edit period.
  2. Select the data reports for the drift period.

    Data Edit Drift Period Select

    Data Edit Drift Period Select (see also the full-size image)

  3. Click the Edit button to display the edit panel for the first data report in the drift period.

  4. Changed the Scaled Value to the observed value at the start of the drift.
  5. The check box Interpolate scaled data changes will appear. Check this box.
  6. If the point has assigned ratings, then click the Rating 1: button to compute the rating value from the new scaled value.

    Data Edit Drift Set Starting Report

    Data Edit Drift Set Starting Report (see also the full-size image)

  7. Click Apply to apply this change to the selected data records.

  8. Click Close to close the edit panel.

    Data Edit Drift Applied From Starting Report

    Data Edit Drift Applied From Starting Report (see also the full-size image)

  9. Click the Edit button to display the edit panel for the last data report in the drift period.

  10. Changed the Scaled Value to the observed value at the start of the drift.
  11. The check box Interpolate scaled data changes will appear. Check this box.
  12. If the point has assigned ratings, then click the Rating 1: button to compute the rating value from the new scaled value.

    Data Edit Drift Set Ending Report

    Data Edit Drift Set Ending Report (see also the full-size image)

  13. Click Apply to apply this change to the selected data records.

  14. Click Close to close the edit panel.

    Data Edit Drift Set Ending Report2

    Data Edit Calibration Edit (see also the full-size image)

  15. Click Apply at the bottom of the page to save changes in the database.