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Data Import

Data Import List

The Data Import List shows the data import records defined in the database. The Data Import Edit page allows an operator to create, edit, and delete a data import. Data imports can be organized by the product to import , the method of file transfer, and set up an automatic data import schedule.

Data Import List

Data Import List (see also the full-size image)

The Data Import List page shows all the currently defined data imports and can show details about each data import. Clicking on either column heading button will reorder the data imports in the Data Import List by name. The appearance of the Data Import List can be customized using the Details... button to access the Data Import List Details page, see the Data Import List Details section.

Click the Add button to define a new data import using the Data Import Add page. Or, click the Edit button associated with an existing data import to use that data import as a copy template for creating a new data import. The Copy button provided on the template data import's Data Import Edit page accesses the Data Import Copy page and allows creating a new data import.

Data Import List Details

The check boxes on Data Import List Details page control the items, organization, sort order, and limit the records displayed on the associated List page.

Data Import List Details

Data Import List Details (see also the full-size image)

Select the details to display

  • Check the box to the left of a detail to display. Details are displayed in the order shown.
  • Check the Order by box for the detail to sort first. Check Reverse*** for a descending sort.
  • Check the Then by box for the detail to sort second. Check Reverse for a descending sort.
  • Check the second Then by box for the detail to sort third. Check Reverse for a descending sort.
Button Action
Move Up Move the selected detail up one row.
Move Down Move the selected detail down one row.
Select All Select all details.
Reset Reset to default details.
OK Return to previous page with new details selected.
Cancel Return to previous page with no changes.

Select the limits for the display

Data Label Description
User Limit display to records assigned to the user(s). Click User: button to change User Pick Details and order.

button-reset-pick-list Reset pick list to single select.
button-decrease-pick-list Decrease pick list length.
button-increase-pick-list Increase pick list length.
button-expand-section    Expand pick list to multiple select.
button-collapse-section    Collapse pick list to single select.
Scope Limit display to records with scope: all, public, private.
User Group Limit display to records assigned to the user group(s). Click User Group: button to change User Group Pick Details and order.

Data Import Add/Copy

The Data Import Add page and the Data Import Copy page allow users to create a new data import. They function in the same way. The Data Import Copy page is most convenient when the new data import will share several parameters with the template data import. To access the Data Import Copy page, click on the Edit button in the template data import's row in the Data Import List table. The Data Import Edit page will be displayed. Click on the Copy button to reach the Data Import Copy page.

The Data Import Add/Copy page(s) prompt to enter a new data import name in the highlighted field, and provide input boxes to define other data import parameters as required.

The Data Import Edit page provides the same input fields as the Data Import Add and the Data Import Copy pages, and these are described in the Data Import Edit section.

Data Import Edit

Clicking on the Edit button associated with any data import defined in the Data Import List page will display the Data Import Edit page. The Data Import Edit page allows users to Edit the data import parameters defined for an existing data import, or to add a data import with many of the same parameters as a template data import using the Copy button.

Data Import Edit ID Data Import Edit Identification (see also the full-size image)

Data Import Edit Identification (see also the full-size image)


Data Label                             Description
Table index Field can not be modified; it is assigned automatically when a record is added.
Name Enter a descriptive name for the data import. Max: 100 characters.
Description Enter additional information describing data import. Max: 1000 characters.


Data Label                             Description
User Select the record owner from the user list. Click User: button change User Pick Details and order, see the User Pick Details section. Click Reset to assign your login name.
Scope Select record access.

Public: Everyone can display this record.
Private: Only owner, group supervisor, or administrator can display this record.

User groups

The User groups table shows the user groups currently assigned to the data import.

  • Clicking on any of the column heading buttons will reorder the user groups in the User groups List, numerically or alphabetically, by that detail.
  • Click Details: button to change the User Group List details and display order, see the User Group List Details section.
  • Click Assign/Remove groups button to open User Group Assignment window, see the User Group Assignment section. Changes made to user group assignments will update this page when the assignment window is closed.
  • Click the List button to show all user groups, see the User Group List section.
  • Click Add button to add a user group, see the User Group Add section.
  • Click Edit button to edit the user group, see User Group Edit section.

Data Import Command

The Command displays the command that will be to execute this data import.
Data import commands are programs or scripts that can be run to bring data from outside sources into NovaStar

Data Import Command

Data Import Command (see also the full-size image)

Data Label Description
Command Enter the data import command to be executed manually or at the scheduled time. The default data import command is: nsdataimport -G# where # is the data import record index. Click the Edit button to display a script command file. Click the Upload button to upload a new command script file to the NovaStar 5 system. Click the Remove button to delete a command script file. Click Reset to assign the default data import command.
Type 5096 log data, 5096/A2 log data, 50386 log data, 50386/A2 log data, Station poll log data, Receive data log, SHEF Data, XML Data.
Source Source line to use when importing data.
Import File File to parse as data import, if not defined in Action List(see below)

Data Import Command Upload

Data import script files can be uploaded from the workstation to the NovaStar 5 system. They are placed in the /local/bin folder of the browser which is linked to the /usr/ns/cus folder for command execution by the scheduler. The command ownership and execute permissions are set by the upload process. Click the Upload button to start the process.

Data Import Action List

The Action List displays the data import actions to retrieve the products from local or remote servers. Data import actions have a few types: None, COPY, FTP, LFTP, PFTP, SFTP, SMB, WEBPAGE.

When a data import record is first defined, no action records will be assigned to the record.

Click on the table column headers to resort the table for this column; first ascending, then descending. Click on the Details... button to change the details and display order. Click on a table field to edit the text. Click Add to add an new action; the action list edit panel is opened. Click Edit to edit an existing action; the edit panel is opened.

Data Import Action List

Data Import Action List (see also the full-size image)

Button Action
Clear all Clear selection of all rows in this table.
Select all Select all rows in this table.
Add Opens the edit panel where parameters for a new record can be entered.
Edit Open the edit panel for this record.
Select Select row for applied changes from the edit panel; first select, then clear select.
Delete Mark selected rows for deletion; first select, then clear select.
Move up Move the selected rows up one row.
Move down Move the selected rows down one row.
Apply Assign changed field values to this and all other selected rows in the table. Changed fields are highlighted with a blue-green background while unchanged fields have a white background.
Close Close the edit panel without saving changes; a warning will be displayed if changes will be lost by this action.

Data Import List Details

The check boxes on Data Import Action List Details page control the items, organization, sort order, and limit the records displayed on the associated List page.

Select the details to display

  • Check the box to the left of a detail to display. Details are displayed in the order shown.
  • Check the Order by box for the detail to sort first. Check Reverse for a descending sort.
  • Check the Then by box for the detail to sort second. Check Reverse for a descending sort.
  • Check the second Then by box for the detail to sort third. Check Reverse for a descending sort.
Button Action
Move Up Move the selected detail up one row.
Move Down Move the selected detail down one row.
Select All Select all details.
Reset Reset to default details.
OK Return to previous page with new details selected.
Cancel Return to previous page with no changes.

Action List Edit

Data Import Action Edit Panel

Data Import Action Edit Panel (see also the full-size image)

Data Label Description
Type Select how the product is retrieved from the local or remote server:

None File is left in Import File defined above.

Copy The file is copied using a shared file system. The source folder and file name are required.

FTP Copy the product file with file transfer protocol. The source host name, login name, password, folder and file name are required.

LFTP Copy the product file with sophisticated file transfer protocol. The source host name, login name, password, folder and file name are required.

PFTP Copy the product file with passive file transfer protocol. The source host name, login name, password, folder and file name are required.

SFTP Copy the product file with secured file transfer protocol. The source host name, login name, password, folder and file name are required.
Host name Enter the source host name as a URL or IP address
Login name Enter the login name for the source host.
Password Enter the password for the login name.
Folder Enter the source folder for the file transfer. If blank then the home folder is used.
File name Enter the file name for the source file.
Timeout Select the file transfer timeout. The data import is canceled if the product cannot be transferred with in the timeout interval. Click the button to alternate between interval selection from a pick list or from time interval fields. Default: 60 seconds.

Data Import Schedule List

The Schedule List displays the data import schedules to deliver the products to local or remote servers. When a data import record is first defined, no schedule records will be assigned to the record. Data import schedules are stored in the cron system file:


Click on the table column headers to resort the table for this column; first ascending, then descending. Click on the Details... button to change the details and display order. Click on a table field to edit the text. Click Add to add an new schedule; the schedule list edit panel is opened. Click Edit to edit an existing schedule; the edit panel is opened.

Data Import Schedule List

Data Import Schedule List (see also the full-size image)

Button Action
Clear all Clear selection of all rows in this table.
Select all Select all rows in this table.
Add Opens the edit panel where parameters for a new record can be entered.
Edit Open the edit panel for this record.
Select Select row for applied changes from the edit panel; first select, then clear select.
Delete Mark selected rows for deletion; first select, then clear select.
Move up Move the selected rows up one row.
Move down Move the selected rows down one row.
Apply Assign changed field values to this and all other selected rows in the table. Changed fields are highlighted with a blue-green background while unchanged fields have a white background.
Close Close the edit panel without saving changes; a warning will be shown if changes will be lost by this action.

Data Import Schedule List Details

The check boxes on Data Import Schedule List Details page control the items, organization, sort order, and limit the records displayed on the associated List page.

Select the details to display

  • Check the box to the left of a detail to display. Details are displayed in the order shown.
  • Check the Order by box for the detail to sort first. Check Reverse for a descending sort.
  • Check the Then by box for the detail to sort second. Check Reverse for a descending sort.
  • Check the second Then by box for the detail to sort third. Check Reverse for a descending sort.

Data Import Schedule List Details

Data Import Schedule List Details (see also the full-size image)

Button Action
Move Up Move the selected detail up one row.
Move Down Move the selected detail down one row.
Select All Select all details.
Reset Reset to default details.
OK Return to previous page with new details selected.
Cancel Return to previous page with no changes.

Schedule List Edit

Data Import Schedule Edit Panel

Data Import Schedule Edit Panel (see also the full-size image)

Data Label                             Description
Effective time Enter the time for the next scheduled action. If a past time is entered, the scheduler will adjust the time to the next scheduled time based on the schedule Interval. The default if no value is entered for the Effective time is the current time. Click the button to assign the current time.
Interval Enter how often the scheduled action should execute. Enter the numeric value for the interval in the input box and the use the drop-down list to select the interval unit (minutes, hours, days, etc.). Click the Interval button to display a list of intervals to pick from. Click the Interval button again to display the interval value and time units.
Day of Week Enter the days of the week on which the scheduled action should execute. Click the Day of Week button to display a multiple choice pick list for days of the week. If the scheduled action should execute only on Fridays, set the schedule Interval to 1 day and select only Friday from the Day of Week list. Multiple days can be selected from the list by depressing the Ctrl key on the keyboard while selecting from the list with the mouse.
Enabled Select true to execute the data import at the scheduled time. Select false to leave the data import in the configuration list but do not execute it.

Data Import Manual Execution

Data Import Manual Execution

Data Import Manual Execution (see also the full-size image)

Data Label Description
Time Offset Select a time offset to apply to the timestamps in data import. After will adjust the timestamps forward in time, Before will adjust the timestamps into the past.
Timeout Select the data import command timeout. The data import is canceled if the products cannot be made and transferred with in the timeout interval. Click the button to alternate between interval selection from a pick list or from time interval fields. Default: 60 seconds.

Click the Run command button to execute the data import command; activity is shown in the display window.

Button Action
button-run-command Run command; display activity in command display window.
button-stop-command Stop command.
button-clear-window Clear display window.
button-decrease-pick-list Decrease display window height.
button-increase-pick-list Increase display window height.
button-move-unassigned-assigned Decrease display window width.
button-move-assigned-unassigned Increase display window width.

Data Import Delete

To delete a data import from the Data Import List, click Edit on that record's event's row in the Data Import List table and then click Delete from the Data Import Edit screen.
The Data Import Delete page will display a prompt to click the Delete button again to confirm the deletion. Clicking the Delete button a second time will be delete the record from the Data Import List. Automatic execution of a data import can be suspended without deleting the record by setting the schedule Enabled state to false.