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NovaStar 5 Training Lesson / Stations and Points Calibration Computation

This documentation is under development


This lesson explains how to define a new station, define a new point corresponding to data collection sensor, and configure the calibration data so that sensor data are properly collected.

Estimated completion time: ? minutes

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Need to mark out the address for the machine so that people don't try to hit that machine.


Title 1 (see also the full-size image)

NovaStar5 Base Station Software

  • Menu on left side


Title 2 (see also the full-size image)

NovaStar5 Stations

Stations Menu

  1. Station List
  2. Station Poll
  3. Station Type List

When a station is created you must assign a type so we usually define station types first.

Station Poll allows for manual polling of stations.

Station Type List


Title 3 (see also the full-size image)

Do we need a separate station type for each type of transmitter ... no.

We do need a separate station type for different telemetry modes:

  • Legacy ALERT
  • ALERT2
  • Satellite Orbcomm
  • Satellite Hughes Net
  • GOES
  • Web Page

Station Type Edit

HL 5096 ALERT1


Title 4 (see also the full-size image)

HL 50386 ALERT2


Title 5 (see also the full-size image)

USGS Web Page


Title 6 (see also the full-size image)

HL 5400 - Orbcomm Satellite


Title 7 (see also the full-size image)

Station List


Title 8 (see also the full-size image)

Station List Details

Allows one to toggle on and off the various parameters for a station and provides sorting functionality


Title 9 (see also the full-size image)

Station List Add and Edit Buttons


Title 10 (see also the full-size image)

Station List Add

Puts the user into a Blank Station Add/Edit Screen ... .

Enter new station parameters and then click on Apply... .


Title 11 (see also the full-size image)

Station List Edit, Copy, and Apply

When finished with edits must click on the Apply button for the edits to take place.

Puts the user into the Station Edit screen for that station ... .

Click on the Copy button to make a copy of this station then we can edit from there to create a new station ... .


Title 12 (see also the full-size image)

Station Edit

Legacy ALERT


Title 13 (see also the full-size image)



Title 14 (see also the full-size image)

USGS Web Page


Title 15 (see also the full-size image)


Title 16 (see also the full-size image



Title 17 (see also the full-size image)

NovaStar5 Points

Points Menu

  1. Point List
  2. Point Type List

Points represent sensors that are installed at a station. NovaStar5 database tracks data time series through point ID. Since the point type is required to define a point we usually define point types first.

Point Type

Point Type List

A listing of all the point types defined in the system.


Title 18 (see also the full-size image)

Point Class Precipitation - Counter


Title 19 (see also the full-size image)

Point Type Water Level - Analog


Title 20 (see also the full-size image)

Point Type ALERT Wind - Direction


Title 21 (see also the full-size image)

Point Type ALERT Wind - Speed


Title 22 (see also the full-size image)

Point Type Status


Title 23 (see also the full-size image)

Point List


Title 24 (see also the full-size image)

Point List Details

Allows one to toggle on and off the various attributes for a point and provides sorting functionality.


Title 25 (see also the full-size image)

Point List Add/Edit


Title 26 (see also the full-size image)

Point List Add

Puts the user into a Blank Point Add Screen... .

Enter new point parameters and then click on Apply to save.


Title 27 (see also the full-size image)

Point Edit

Puts the user into the Point Edit screen for that station ... .

  1. Click on the Copy button to make a copy of this point then we can edit from there to create a new point ... .
  2. When finished with edits must click on the Apply button for the edits to take place.


Title 28 (see also the full-size image)

Parameters - ALERT - Precipitation

  1. Select point type.
  2. Remote ID - the ID being transmitted from the field.
  3. Point ID - the ID in the NovaStar5 database that the data should be written to ... typically the same as the Remote ID.


Title 29 (see also the full-size image)

Parameters - ALERT2 - Precipitation

  1. Select point type.
  2. Remote ID - the ID being transmitted from the field ... in the case of ALERT2 is the Sensor ID.
  3. Point ID - the ID in the NovaStar5 database that the data should be written to ... typically the same as the Remote ID.


Title 30 (see also the full-size image)

Parameters - ALERT - Water Level

  1. Select point type.
  2. Remote ID - the ID being transmitted from the field.
  3. Point ID - the ID in the NovaStar5 database that the data should be written to ... typically the same as the Remote ID.


Title 31 (see also the full-size image)

Parameters - ALERT2 - Water Level

  1. Select point type.
  2. Remote ID - the ID being transmitted from the field ... in the case of ALERT2 is the Sensor ID.
  3. Point ID - the ID in the NovaStar5 database that the data should be written to ... typically the same as the Remote ID.


Title 32 (see also the full-size image)

Data Checking

  • Change - maximum allowable change from last value in engineering units.
  • Upper limit - maximum value allowed
  • Lower limit - minimum value allowed
  • No report interval - maximum allowable time between reports
  • Change limit/interval - maximum allowable change in specified interval
  • Compress interval - remove duplicate reports within this interval from time series
  • Out of service - take a point out-of-service rather than the entire station


Title 33 (see also the full-size image)


  • Quiet - debug level of output shown ... how verbose do you want the output
  • Force - force an update of all data ... default update only when changed
  • Digits - number of digits to right of decimal point for scaled data display
  • Computation - re-compute rating after validation is done


Title 34 (see also the full-size image)


Title 35 (see also the full-size image)


Title 36 (see also the full-size image)


Every sensor has an associated calibration

  • Legacy - used to convert raw integer data to engineering value
  • ALERT2 - may not be needed but must still enter values

Important buttons - Add and List


Title 37 (see also the full-size image)

Calibration List

Provides a listing of all the historical calibrations that were used for this sensor. Recalibration for a historical period would apply each calibration over its effective time. Each calibration entry is editable and can be changed.


Title 38 (see also the full-size image)

Calibration Add

Select the Point.

  • Multiplier - multiplied by raw value (PT calibration = slope)
  • Adder - added to result (PT calibration = offset)
  • Base value - added to result (level sensor = reference datum)
  • Time - effective time

We always add new calibrations so we maintain an accurate history of the various calibration changes and we can always re-calibrate a historical period.


Title 39 (see also the full-size image)


Every sensor can have associated computations performed after the data are calibrated.

  • Rain sensors - computations include incremental rain, storm rain total, season total.
  • Level sensors - computation may include stage-discharge ratings.

The term computation and rating are used interchangeably.


Title 40 (see also the full-size image)


Computation - Rain

  • Incremental rainfall
  • Storm total rainfall
  • Season total rainfall


Title 41 (see also the full-size image)

Rating Assign

Incremental Rainfall

  1. Select point
  2. Select computation
  3. Enter SHEF code
  4. Number - next available rating number for point
  5. Name
  6. Time


Title 42 (see also the full-size image)

Season Total Rainfall

  1. Select point
  2. Select computation
  3. Enter SHEF code
  4. Number - next available rating number for point
  5. Name
  6. Time - this defines when the season starts!


Title 43 (see also the full-size image)

Storm Total Rainfall

  1. Select point
  2. Select computation
  3. Interval - time interval for no rain used to reset storm total to zero
  4. Enter SHEF code
  5. Number - next available rating number for point
  6. Name
  7. Time


Title 44 (see also the full-size image)

Water Level

  1. Select point
  2. Select computation
  3. Enter SHEF code
  4. Number - next available rating number for point
  5. Name
  6. Table - assign the correct rating table
  7. Effective Time - we can re-compute flows for a historic period because each rating knows over what time interval it is valid
  8. Edit button


Title 45 (see also the full-size image)

Rating Shifts


Title 46 (see also the full-size image)

Get Dave's input on the different types of shifts.


Title 47 (see also the full-size image)

Rating Table

Edit - Water Level


Title 48 (see also the full-size image)

  • Stage - Discharge
  • Elev - Storage
  • Stage - Depth from GS


Title 49 (see also the full-size image)

Display - Print


TItle 50 (see also the full-size image)

Display - Plot


Title 51 (see also the full-size image)

Display - Import


Title 52 (see also the full-size image)